Fistula Treatment Without Surgery
How to cure Fistula permanently, is a big challenge since long time. One study showed that the prevalence of fistula-in-ano is 8.6 cases per 100,000 population. In men, the prevalence is 12.3 cases per 100,000 population, and in women, it is 5.6 cases per 100,000 population. The male-to-female ratio is 1.8:1. The mean patient age is 38.3 years. Males are twice as likely to develop an anal fistula compared to females. The mean age of occurrence is 40 years. Kshar sutra is the best Fistula Ayurvedic treatment. Fistula in ano treatment without laser surgery with high success rate is possible.
Modern science has kept it’s search for a technique open to assure permanent cure. They tried to improved cutting tools for surgery and replaced scissors / blades to laser. But they kept their focus on the concept that ‘only on removal of infection is enough’. If this is really true, modern science must have assured cure.
Best Ayurveda Doctor For Fistula
Dr. Prasad Bapat is one of the best specialist doctor for anal fistula doctor in Pune (India). He has simplified the complex surgical method for fistula to “a few minutes procedure’. Fistula treatment is available in Om Ayurvedic Clinic, Pune . This is one of the best clinics in India who provides a herbal solutions known as Kshar sutra treatment. Our 26 years Kshar sutra research is a revolution in this field.
IMP Note – Antibiotics or Homeopathy or Ayurvedic medicines can’t cure Fistula (Bhagandar) permanently.
Fistula Treatment in Pune
Om Ayurvedic clinic is one of the best clinics in India who provides a herbal solutions known as Kshar sutra treatment. We have two branches in Pune (India). Patient can visit clinic by appointment for consultation. We also have paid online consultation facility.
Why We Are Special

What is Fistula in ano ?
In early stages, patient don’t understand the seriousness of a boil / pimple on the buttock or near anus. But that pimple can be an external opening of fistula or perianal abscess. Anal Fistula is said to have existed since more than 4000 years. To cure fistula-in-ano, is a big challenge for medical world. In spite of the tremendous developments of modern medical science in surgery, Fistula cure is not assured. Father of surgery – ‘ Sushrut ‘ explained this disease & fistula treatment 4000 years before. The types, causes, symptoms of fistula ( Bhagandara in Marathi) & its treatment were explained by Sushrut Maharshi are effective till today. It proves the stability of the divine knowledge of AYURVEDA.
How anal fistula occurs?
The word fistula (in latin) means flute, pipe or tube. Anal Fistula is an abnormal tube like passage (communication) that connects an abscess, an infected cavity in the anus, to an opening on the skin around the anus. One opening of the fistula tube is inside the anal canal (Internal opening) and another opening is on skin surface around the anus (External opening).
The anus is the external opening through which feces are expelled from the body. Just inside the anus are a number of small glands that make mucus in the inter-sphincteric space. Occasionally, these glands get clogged and can become infected, leading to an abscess. About half of these abscesses may develop into a fistula. In around 80% of cases, anal fistulae are secondary to a cryptogenic (infectious) process involving the anal glands. Infection of the anal glands leads to abscess formation in the inter-sphincteric planes which can then bud in different directions. Once the tract reaches an epithelized surface, it completes a fistula.
The external opening may get closed as body tries to resist the infection. In this condition, infection gets locked inside forming an abscess. This condition is always painful. When the abscess ripe, it bursts and a yellowish pus discharge, blood keep coming from the external opening remains open.
Causes of Anal Fistula
- Lack of cleanliness in anal region
- Ignored fissure can get infected and get converted into fistula
- Spicy & fast food habits , sitting job
- Improper drainage of ischio-rectal abscess
- Other conditions – complication in Abscess, Tuberculosis.(T.B) , Cancer and radiation, IBS ( Inflammatory bowel Syndrome), Ulcerative colitis , Crohn’s disease, Sexually transmitted diseases.
Symptoms of Fistula in ano
- Pimple on butuck near anus. Pain and discharge from the pimple.
- Persistent sero purulent ( sticky) discharge of pus and/or stool from the external opening near anus
- History of recurrent swelling & abscess on buttock
- Itching & moist feeling in the anal area
- Pain in the lump on buttock
- Flatus (gas) escape from external skin opening
- Many times peri-anal abscess or anal infection is the first symptom before formation of anal fistula.
How is Fistula diagnosed?
- Fistula track probing
Doctors can diagnose an anal fistula by examining the area around the anus. They will look for an external opening on the skin. The doctor will then try to determine how deep the tract is, and the direction in which it is going. In many cases, there will be drainage from the external opening. Doctor may need further tests to confirm the structure of fistula
- Fistulogram
A radio opaque die is inserted inside the fistula track and x-ray image is taken. This can show clear structure of fistula.
Some fistulas may not be visible on the skin’s surface. In this case, your physician may need to perform additional tests
- Anoscopy
This is the procedure to see inside anus and rectum inside with special instrument
Types of Anal Fistula

With reference to depth –
- Low anal (75%)
- High anal (8%)
- Subcutaneous(5%)
- Anorectal (7%)
- Sub mucous (5%)
With reference to depth –
- Intersphincteric (64%)
- Trans sphincteric (30%)
- Subcutaneous(5%)
- Submucosal (5%)
- Extra sphincteric (1%)
How To Heal Fistula Without Surgery
Any medicine / ointment of in the world can help body to control fistula infection. But they can’t assure permanent cure. Due failure in existing surgical techniques modern surgical experts are always searching for new ( so called ) advance techniques. But Ayurvedic kshar sutra treatment has proven the best among all since 4000 years. It should be if used scientifically.
Actually all modern surgical & medicinal techniques are just to remove the existing infection in the fistula track. But the kshar sutra treatment in Ayurveda has much more thoughts beyond that. This herbal therapy not only removes the infection but also helps human body to create new healthy tissue naturally. The quality of this tissue is so miraculous that it will not get infected easily. So in our clinic in Pune we are able to cure fistula patients without antibiotics.
Fistula Ayurvedic Treatment
Patient should know this fact that there no medicine in Ayurveda or Homeopathy or Allopathy which can cure fistula. All medicines can control infection and help body to dry the infected area. But can’t cure fistula in ano permanently. In our clinic, in India we treat fistula in ano only by Kshar Sutra treatment. This treatment is the best alternative for modern surgery techniques. Kshar sutra treatment is now replacing all complex surgeries for all types of fistula with great success rate.
We have developed different probing techniques for each type of fistula. Using appropriate technique, kshar sutra is inserted correctly in the fistula tract. The success of the treatment depend on two things – quality of kshar sutra & its correct insertion in the fistula track. We take care of both. This herbal thread is changed after every 7 days. Duration of treatment is 4 to 8 weeks. The duration & cost of the treatment depend on the length & stage of fistula. No recurrence , no daily dressing required , no hospitalization required , no bed rest and can resume his / her routine work within few hours .
Kshar sutra For Fistula
Fistula treatment is a challenge for modern medical science. Antibiotics & advance surgeries can not assure the removal of fistula track & infection. In our Pune clinic, we are proud to say that we have cured those patients who were not cured by advance repeated surgeries. Any drug of any pathy ( Ayurveda, Homeopathy or Allopathy ) can control the fistula infection but can not cure fistula completely. So do not waste your time & money in the hope of some miracle.
Fistula treatment without surgery is possible by Ayurvedic Kshar sutra treatment. Our 26 years research has made a revolution. We combined ancient and modern knowledge. We have simplified complex surgical method to a half hour procedure. This can be performed under local anesthesia.
What is Kshar sutra treatment?
‘Kshar’ ( in Sanskrit language ) means alkaline mixture. ‘Sutra’ means a thread. So Kshar sutra means a thread coated with herbal alkaline mixture. This thread is used to insert in the fistula track. The process can be performed under local anesthesia on OPD basis.
How Kshar sutra Treatment Works
1) Pressure necrosis
2) Chemical cauterization by kshara (alkali)
3) Sloughing of the tissue of the walls of the fistulous track
4) Cutting provides adequate drainage. It leads to an easy debridement of unhealthy tissue and pus etc.
Thus providing a cleaner base for the wound healing of the track. The Kshar-sutra is changed weekly so that an average pace of cutting of about 0.5-1 cm/week is maintained along with healing from behind. Finally the whole track is cut through and the fistula / pilonidal sinus gets healed up with minimal scarring and without any other major complication. Infection is not the only cause in fistula. The structure itself is a big cause of recurrence. As kshar-sutra totally destroys the unhealthy tissue & structure, there is no recurrence.
In our clinic, in India we treat fistula and pilonidal sinus only by Kshar Sutra treatment. As we prepare the medicated threads our self, we are confident about it’s action. So we don’t us any antibiotic before, after or during the procedure. This treatment is the best alternative for modern surgery techniques. Kshar sutra treatment is now replacing all complex surgeries for all types of fistula with great success rate.
See the animated YouTube video ( time slab between 0 sec to 1.10 min )
Part I – Formation of fistula – time slab between 0 sec to 1.20 min.
Part II – Procedure of Kshar sutra treatment can cure in fistula – time slab between 1.20 min to 3.10 min
Home Remedy for Fistula
Patient should not waste time and money in the hope that there is any home treatment / remedy which can cure fistula automatically. Healthy diet, proper cleaning can help body to heal the wound partly. But can not cure fistula in ano.
Do not strain during defecation. Sitting in warm water is useful for cleaning & pain relief. Take a walking and other exercises are helpful.
How to cure fistula permanently at home?
Many patients have a lot of hope to get cured by their own trials. They have misconceptions about treating fistula with food / medicines. Here are few questions in patient’s mind –
- Is egg good for fistula ?
- Is milk or ghee good for fistula ?
- Can Manuka honey cure fistula ?
- Is Turmeric milk useful for fistula?
The answer of all above questions is same. Any food mentioned above can support your immune system to reduce infection. This may close the external opening of fistula too. But you should not misunderstand this. Body always try to fight infection in the body. So any support from diet or multivitamins or antibiotics is useful to control infection.
Healing or cure of fistula should be only confirmed by MRI or CT scan and not on the basis of symptoms.
Why modern surgery fails
Fistula treatment is a challenge for modern medical science. Antibiotics & advance surgeries can not assure the removal of fistula track & infection. Surgical treatment of fistula-in-ano is associated with a significant risk of recurrence and a high risk of impaired continence. Degree of risk varies with identifiable factors between 7% and 50% .
Following is the summary of failure rate of existing surgical methods –
1) Fistulectomy 9.5%
2) Cutting seton Fistulotomy – 5 to 29%
3) Fibrin sealants – 69%
4) Anal Fistula Plugs – 32%
5) Flap procedure – 30 to 60%
Many patients wander here and there in search of a doctor or medicines to cure Fistula and often waste their time, money and energy by getting trapped in the misleading advertisements, quacks etc. Fistula-in-ano is curable by kshar sutra treatment. Most of the patients ignore this disease till they feel large abscess & severe pain. Advance medical surgeries & antibiotics don’t assure 100% cure at first surgery. Sometimes, if fistula is due to tuberculosis then anti-tubercular therapy can work to heal it. Beware of quacks and false claims, advertisements like those of injection treatment, herbal treatment etc. seen commonly in media. They can harm your health and can lead to complications like anal incontinence. Don’t try home remedies.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How serious is fistula
- Can a fistula heal on it’s own
- How long does a fistula take to heal
- Is fistula curable without surgery
- Diet after Kshar sutra treatment
- fistula laser treatment cost
- Kshar sutra vs Seton / Surgery
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